Tave Mail™ Web-Apps™ Solutions

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Tave Mail™ provides the solution to your batch shipping label print preparation/translation woes.

Use our simple web-based programs to filter your batch shipping XML data into CSV files that are useful to you!  Get all the information YOU want, saving time for both domestic and international shipping.

If you use Networks Solutions for your eCommerce site, you can save time and effort with Tave Mail™ Web-Apps and get all the weight, valuation and country information without manual intervention.

For domestic shipments, you can now save money by using Endicia with ease to batch prepare shipments for USPS (instead of UPS) for your 1-3 lb class of shipments, by getting all the information you want without the hassle of manually translating your data.
For international shipments, Tave Mail™ Web-Apps provide the full country names automatically translated from 2-letter ISO abbreviations and available at your preference. 

Our web-based translation also provides an additional context sensitive weight field which lists weight in lbs. for domestic shipments and weight in ozs. for international shipments. This way you can use the same filtering settings for both domestic and international shipments saving time and effort.

If you want all the information you want filtered from the XML file, try our on-line scripts to filter XML to CSV format in a way that saves you time, energy and money.

ENTER Tave Mail™ Web-Apps HERE

Supported formats (other formats supported by request)

from Network Solutions XML-7.x to:

Endicia (via Tarantula)

UPS WorldShip